Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Value of Texting

In explanation:

Ethan and Clara
began to text each other
their observations.

is the order of these texts,
as conversation.

That foul knave Ethan
is in dark oppressive bold;
Clara is normal.

A harsh wind blows now
out the mouth of that new one;
she drinks tea quietly.

Alex talks to him,
her laughter ringing throughout
she ignores her turn.

Kate sings Creole songs
and texts poetic gay boys
in man withdrawal.

Michael sings of plants,
while now strutting to and fro
his eyes a glad smile

Like Corinthian,
behind those nice smiling eyes
are savage dentures.

The young girl giggles,
clinging to dyslexia;
silly, silly child.

A harsh woman laughs
to herself, always alone
this is all that's left

with regret and aloofness,
I don't understand.

She knows the real truth
in-between the tears and chips
she will find her fate

Lonely nights, cheap beer,
inevitable failure;
I accept my fate.

Her fate is not that;
a life of base servitude
she's never fulfilled

At least she shall not
lose tenure at Uck Irvine
whilst feeding four kids.

Anyway, the Neffs
enjoy us here, but we should
leave 'round eleven

The revenant walks
along the road, scythe in hand -
its swift pace quickens.

Sweaty men on field
throwing odd discs back and forth
their plight is my joy

possessed by iv'ry and brass,
plays that jazzy Duke.

My Latin textbook
is battered, and somewhat wet
because of a puddle

Alas, alack, sir!
Try sep'rating the pages
with paper towels?

With a girlish squeal,
The Irishman doth approve
of our small shortcakes.

Coquettish Chloe
smiling at us hideously
her mouth a rictus

Clara composing
counting words on her fingers
clearly enjoying it

You compose haikus
except then sometimes you don't
which is annoying.


  1. you feign importance
    because you can't face your own

  2. Do you perhaps know Samantha Neff?
